If nodules are found in the lungs, does it mean lung cancer?

We should understand what lung nodules are at first

Pulmonary nodules refer to nodular shadows within the lung parenchyma that do not belong to normal lung tissue, with a diameter less than 3 cm. 

Those with a diameter less than 1 cm are called small nodules, those with a diameter less than 3 mm are called micronodules, and those larger than 3 cm are called lumps. 

Pulmonary nodules can appear as a single or multiple nodules. More than 80%-90% of pulmonary nodules are benign, such as benign lung tumors, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, old lesions, etc. 

Of course, some nodules are malignant, and a few benign pulmonary nodules may become malignant during follow-up.

In recent years, the incidence of lung nodules has been reached to 2%-5% of the urban population, and almost all lung cancers evolve from small nodules. If lung adenocarcinoma can be diagnosed early, its 5-year survival rate after surgery is 100%, but currently many lung cancer patients have missed the opportunity for surgery when they show symptoms and go to specialists for treatment, so early screening of lung nodules is crucial!

lung tree

Which groups of people are at high risk of lung nodules?

1. Aged 40 or above, with a smoking history of more than 20 years, chronic lung disease or passive smoking

2. With a family history of tumors, especially lung cancer;

3. With recent chest pain, cough, unexplained blood in sputum, emaciation, and weight loss;

4. With a history of other malignant tumors, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, etc.

Characteristics of pulmonary nodules

1. The larger the nodule, the more likely it is to be malignant.

2. The more bizarre the shape of the nodule, the more likely it is to be malignant, such as lobulation, burrs, pleural traction, etc.

3. The nodule is located in the upper lobe, especially the right upper lobe, and is likely to be malignant.

4. The faster the nodule grows, the more likely it is to be malignant.

How to prevent lung cancer

1. It is strongly recommended to quit smoking in daily life. It is never too late to quit smoking at any time.

2. Avoid contact with secondhand smoke, polluted air, asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, soot, etc.

3. Try to use environmentally friendly materials when decorating new houses, and ask professional institutions to test before moving in.

4. Exercise more and maintain good living habits.

5. Eat a balanced diet to ensure the intake of high-quality protein and fruits and vegetables.

6. Maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Therefore, if you find lung nodules, don’t be too nervous. Lung nodules ≠ cancer. Take timely prevention and regular check-ups.

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