lung cancer treatment with traditional Chinese medicine

As we all know, Western medicine is to use surgery to remove the visible tumor on the surface.

So how does Chinese medicine treat it?

Some people don’t know much about it, so let’s take a look at this article on how Chinese medicine treats lung cancer.

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine treat lung cancer?

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for lung cancer can improve the lung immune mechanism and thus strengthen the immune capacity.

Lung deficiency

 Astragalus, Saposhnikovia, Jujube, Atractylodes, Licorice.

Lung blood deficiency

Lilium, Scrophularia, Angelica, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Rehmanniae, Apricot, Radix Ophiopogonis.

For those with signs of lung cancer

Both of the above prescriptions can be used together with anticancer drugs such as Hedyotis diffusa, Smilax glabra, Trillium, Solanum nigrum, Scutellaria barbata, Houttuynia cordata, Fructus aconitifolia, Coix seed, seaweed, etc.

Patients with early lung cancer can be treated with surgery, followed by chemotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine to reduce the chance of cancer recurrence.

However, multiple chemotherapy treatments are highly toxic and difficult for most patients to tolerate. It is recommended that patients use Traditional Chinese Medicine to assist in treatment.

TCM can alleviate the patient’s systemic symptoms, regulate the human body, and eliminate the soil for the growth of cancer cells.

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