Men + BBQ + Beer = Gout

Sypotoms of gout

Most of them have no history of gout, and they often show swelling and pain in the toes after the onset of the disease.

Gout usually has no signs, but many people will wake up in pain in the middle of the night, feeling like a knife cut. If there is wind around, the pain will be even worse, and they will scream immediately if they move the joints slightly.

The painful joints are obviously swollen and congested, the skin becomes red, and it is hot.

Barbecue, seafood, and beer are all high-purine foods

Gout likes to find people who are less active and love to drink and eat meat. Many young and middle-aged men who love to drink and eat meat are at high risk of gout.

This is because seafood, animal offal, most meat, and beer are high-purine foods. Gout, as an acute arthritis, is caused by abnormal purine metabolism leading to high uric acid.

Barbecue, seafood, and beer are all high-purine foods, and the nucleic acids contained in beer are eventually decomposed into uric acid. The combination of barbecue and beer greatly increases the risk of gout.

Change your diet and eat more vegetarian food

Now that you know that the combination of barbecue and beer will increase the risk of gout, you should change this diet. 

Try not to pair beer with barbecue. Choose other drinks when eating barbecue or choose not to eat barbecue and have a refreshing beer.

However, this refers to people who have no history of gout. People with a history of gout should abstain from seafood and other high-protein foods containing more purine, and should not drink beer or drink less.

Eating more alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits can increase the body’s alkaline reserves and increase the pH value of body fluids.

Increased pH value can prevent from gout

When the pH value in joint fluid rises to above 6, uric acid is mostly in a free state, which can prevent the formation of uric acid crystals and promote their dissolution, increase the excretion of uric acid, prevent the formation of stones or dissolve existing stones.

In addition, many vegetables and fruits contain a small amount of potassium, which can promote the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys and reduce the precipitation of urinary salts.

If you want to know more about what harm does gout bring to us, click here.

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