pain in the liver area is a sign of liver cancer

Pain in the liver area and liver cancer

Pain is a very normal thing. It is inevitable to have pain when you are sick. But if it is pain in the liver area, it should be taken seriously. Why? This is because pain in the liver area is a sign of liver cancer, and this symptom is often caused by this disease.

Liver cancer bleeding

Patients with advanced liver cancer often have bleeding gums when brushing their teeth, and sometimes have subcutaneous ecchymoses and other bleeding tendencies. This is because of impaired liver function, resulting in abnormal coagulation function, which is also a common symptom of liver cancer.

Liver cancer patients also have symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding, which is mostly caused by portal hypertension or esophageal varices. Gastrointestinal bleeding is an important reason for endangering the lives of patients with this disease.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Clinically, many patients will cause gastrointestinal symptoms. Patients often experience decreased appetite, or upper abdominal fullness after meals, dyspepsia, indigestion, and nausea. These symptoms are also common gastrointestinal symptoms of this disease. Among them, the symptoms of liver cancer often include decreased appetite and abdominal distension.

Pain in the liver area

Pain in the liver area can be seen in the late and early stages of liver cancer, and it is also the first symptom. Therefore, pain in the liver area is a signal of liver cancer, and the location of the pain is generally in the right rib of the patient.

Sometimes the pain manifests as intermittent or persistent dull pain, and discomfort in the upper right abdomen will be felt before the pain.

The pain is caused by the rapid growth of the tumor and the compression of the organs. In addition, it is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and even shock.

Because pain in the liver area is the first symptom of liver cancer and also the early manifestation of liver cancer symptoms, pain in the liver area is a sign of liver cancer. If this symptom occurs, the cause of the pain should be found in time.

What are the early symptoms of liver cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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