Phone can significantly increase risk of brain tumors

Intracranial tumors are various brain tumors. They are one of the common diseases in the nervous system and have great harm to the function of the human nervous system. They are generally divided into two categories: primary and secondary.

Classification of Brain Tumors

Primary intracranial tumors can occur in brain tissue, meninges, cranial nerves, pituitary gland, residual embryonic tissue of blood vessels, etc. Secondary tumors refer to metastatic tumors formed by the metastasis or invasion of malignant tumors in other parts of the body into the brain.

Mobile phone can increase risk of brain tumors

A study pointed out that people who often use mobile phones have a 5 times higher chance of developing brain tumors than ordinary people. At the same time, the chance of brain tumors occurring on the side of the brain close to the mobile phone is 21% higher than on the other side.

Another study showed that the risk of brain tumors for mobile phone users is 10% to 500% higher than that of landline users.Using a mobile phone for 10 years will increase the chance of developing glioma (invasive brain tumor) on the same side by 60%.

We should prevent from disease caused by phone

The main researcher Leod Morgan warned that the above research results show that unless people change the way they use mobile phones, there is a possibility of a “brain tumor epidemic.”

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