Salt water can prevent hair loss

The effect of salt on hair growth

Men with severe hair loss symptoms can try washing their hair with salt water.

The sodium in salt water can regulate the water and electrolyte balance of the scalp, reduce the stimulation of male hormones on hair follicles, and inhibit the occurrence of metabolic disorders.

Moreover, salt water can replenish the moisture lost by the scalp, moisten the hair follicles, and prevent hair from falling due to dryness.

How to wash your hair with salt water

When washing your hair, put a spoonful of salt into half a basin of warm water. After the salt dissolves, immerse all the hair in the water and massage the scalp slowly with your fingers for 3 to 5 minutes.

Then rub the hair with shampoo and wash it twice with clean water. Wash it once every 5 days, and the hair loss condition can be significantly improved after 4 weeks.

Other treatments for hair loss

If the hair loss is severe and some parts of the scalp are bald, you can mix a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao and white wine, add one or two slices of ginger, soak it for two days, and then apply it on the scalp. 

This method can stimulate the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

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