Simple treatments for premenstrual breast engorgement

Characteristics of premenstrual breast swelling

Breast swelling and pain before and after menstruation are often accompanied by menstrual disorders or mastopathy. It is more common in adolescent or childbearing women.


1. Deer antler powder: 2 times a day, 3 grams each time, taken with yellow wine. For those with kidney deficiency and blocked collaterals.

2. 6 grams of green peel and 12 grams of Adenophora, decocted in water instead of tea.

3. 30 grams of dandelion and 15 grams of plantain, decocted and taken.


1. For those with menstrual breast swelling, check whether there are breast lumps, the size, hardness and unevenness of the lumps. 

Check whether there is milk or bloody secretions on the nipples, and make smear examinations to check whether there is infiltration of lymph nodes.

Use B-ultrasound, CT or MRI, blood CA-125, PRL, etc. for differential examination. This is extremely important for the prognosis of the disease, so it is necessary to identify it.

2. The breasts are closely related to the liver. Depression can aggravate the disease, so you should keep a good mood to promote recovery.

3. Breast swelling during menstruation is often accompanied by menstrual disorders or infertility. When the breast swelling disappears and menstruation becomes normal, there is a chance of pregnancy.

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