TCM Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Modern medicine cure nasal polyps

Currently, surgical resection is still the main treatment for nasal polyps. Since it is related to nasal allergy or infection, it is easy to relapse after surgical resection.

For multiple or recurrent nasal polyps from the ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus, radical resection of the ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus should be performed to reduce recurrence.

Traditional Chinese medicine cure nasal polyps

External treatment:

1. 30g of alum, 7 castor beans, 5 salted black plums, 50mg of musk, pounded into pills, wrapped with gauze and plugged into the polyps in the nose.

2. 30g of alum, 3g of kansui, 0.6g of baijiangdan, 1.5g of realgar, grind into fine powder, mix with water or sesame oil, place on gauze, apply to the root or surface of the polyp, once a day, 7 to 14 times as a course of treatment.

3. Grind 18g of cyperus rotundus and 18g of gansui, 3g of indigo, aconite and alum into fine powder, mix with sesame oil, and apply on the polyp once a day.

4. Grind equal parts of melon pedicle and asarum into fine powder, and blow a little on the polyp.

Internal treatment

10g of scutellaria baicalensis, 10g of gardenia jasminoides, 10g of gypsum, 10g of anemarrhena, 10g of mulberry bark, 10g of magnolia flower, 10g of loquat leaf, 10g of plantain seed, 15g of oriental water plantain, 10g of bombyx batryticatus, 10g of safflower, 10g of chuanxiong, and 10g of angelica dahurica.

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