That is maybe kidney cancer if you have these sympotoms

Three different renal tumors

Usually, three types of renal tumors can be seen in adults:

80% of renal cancers occur in the renal parenchyma. 20% of renal cancers occur in the renal pelvis. Renal embryonal carcinoma is rare in adults, while renal cancers occurring in children aged 1-3 years are mainly nephroblastomas, which are rare in children over 5 years old.

Renal cancer is not easy to be diagnosed

When there is painless, intermittent hematuria, a mass palpable in the abdomen or kidney area, and low back pain, it is not very difficult to diagnose renal cancer with the help of X-rays, B-ultrasound, CT and other related examinations.

However, patients often do not have all three symptoms, and even have symptoms of the digestive tract and other organs as the main symptoms. At this time, patients seeking treatment in the gastroenterology department or other departments are likely to be misdiagnosed or missed.

Why renal cancer is easily misdiagnosed

The reasons why renal cancer is easily misdiagnosed are as follows:

1. Although pain is one of the unique symptoms of renal tumors, patients are often unable to seek medical treatment immediately because the pain is not severe.

2. Painless hematuria occurs intermittently and is easily ignored by patients.

3. In some renal cancer patients, due to early metastasis, the symptoms of metastatic cancer may be obvious, while the symptoms of primary cancer have not yet been discovered. For example, bone metastasis may cause fractures and local masses, while spinal metastasis may cause back pain, lower abdominal numbness, etc.

4. Patients with mild symptoms or only one symptom are common and are easily ignored by patients and doctors.

Therefore, we should strengthen our understanding of this disease and perform X-ray angiography, B-ultrasound and CT scans as soon as possible for suspected cases. The only treatment for kidney cancer is surgery as soon as possible.

How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Treat Kidney Cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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