The most effective way to treat melanoma

There are many methods for treating melanoma on the market. Which one is the least harmful and most effective to melanoma patients?

Chinese medicine treatment for melanoma

Spleen and kidney yang deficiency syndrome.

Main symptoms: melanoma rupture, fatigue, poor appetite, preference for warm food, stomach distension, cold body and limbs, loose stools and clear urine, tooth marks on the sides of the tongue, and weak pulse.

Treatment: tonify the kidney and spleen, strengthen the body and inhibit cancer

Prescription: Sijunzi Decoction with modifications. Codonopsis pilosula 15g, Atractylodes macrocephala 10g, Poria 15g, Licorice 6g, Astragalus 10g, Epimedium 10g, Cornus officinalis 15g, Morinda officinalis 10g, Safflower 10g, Psoralea corylifolia 10g.

This prescription is suitable for patients with advanced malignant melanoma.

Qi and blood deficiency syndrome.

Prescription: Bazhen Decoction with modifications. 20g of Codonopsis pilosula, 20g of Atractylodes macrocephala, 30g of Poria, 20g of Licorice root, 20g of Rehmannia root, 20g of Angelica sinensis, 20g of Red Peony Root, 10g of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 30g of Astragalus, 30g of Moss bark, 10g of Sophora flavescens, 10g of Herba Cynanchum, 30g of Hedyotis diffusa, and 20g of Daihesan.

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