Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in treating bone tumors

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of treating bone tumors. Through unremitting efforts, doctors of all generations have gradually improved and enriched it. 

However, due to the high malignancy of bone tumors, some of them can metastasize in the early stage, resulting in a low cure rate and poor prognosis of this disease.

Treatment of bone tumors with traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine can improve the condition, prolong the survival period, improve the quality of life, and reduce the adverse reactions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

Pain and local lumps at the beginning of bone tumors

Treatment method: dredge meridians and blood stasis.

Prescriptions: cooked rehmannia, cinnamon, antler glue, ephedra, white mustard, roasted ginger, raw licorice, clematis, psoralea, radix sutchuenensis, rhizoma sutchuenensis.

Analysis: For people with weak constitution, cold evil takes the opportunity to invade and stagnates into tumors. Therefore, these drugs are used to warm the meridians and dispel cold.

Toxic heat accumulation syndrome of bone cancer

Main symptoms: rapid enlargement of bone tumors, aggravated pain, and limb movement disorders. Sometimes fever and constipation.

Therapeutic method: clearing heat and detoxifying, removing blood stasis and dispersing nodules.

Prescription: Solanum nigrum, honeysuckle, dandelion, clematis, radix pedunculi, cyperus rotundus, Radix Trichosanthis, Phellodendron amurense, Rhizoma Achyranthis Bidentatae, Scutellaria baicalensis, Euphorbia solani, Paeonia lactiflora, frankincense, myrrh, raw licorice.

Analysis: Solanum nigrum, honeysuckle, dandelion, Phellodendron amurense, Scutellaria baicalensis, Radix Trichosanthis detoxifying. Cyperus rotundus, Rhizoma Achyranthis Bidentatae, Euphorbia solani, frankincense, angelica, Paeonia lactiflora relieve pain and reduce swelling.

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