What are the 7 causes of female infertility?

Infertility can be divided into absolute infertility and relative infertility. Absolute infertility refers to the inability of one of the couple to conceive due to congenital or acquired sexual dysfunction that cannot be corrected.

So what are the causes of female infertility?

1. Immune factors can cause female infertility

It is caused by the presence of antisperm antibodies in the female’s serum, cervical mucus, and follicular fluid.

2. Uterine factors can cause female infertility

Such as uterine malformation, dysplasia, submucosal myoma, intrauterine adhesion, and excessive endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia can affect the implantation and development of the embryo and lead to infertility.

3. Cervical factors can cause female infertility

Abnormal cervical position, cervical stenosis or adhesion, cervical erosion and cervical canal inflammation. Inflammatory mediators can engulf or damage sperm. Inflammatory purulent secretions can change the properties of cervical mucus and affect sperm passage.

4. Endometriosis can cause female infertility

Endometriosis can cause an increase in certain bioactive substances in the peritoneal fluid, inhibit sperm activity, phagocytose sperm, interfere with sperm-egg combination and fallopian tube peristalsis, and affect conception.

5. Abnormal vaginal development

Abnormal vaginal development or malformation, which is relatively rare.

6. Abnormal cervical mucus

Such as reduced mucus secretion, viscosity, abnormal pH value or the presence of anti-sperm antibodies.

7. Nothing found

About 20% of infertile patients fail to find abnormalities after various routine examinations.

The above is an introduction to the causes of female infertility. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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