What are the causes of gastric cancer

What factors are related to the occurrence of gastric cancer? Only by knowing the cause of gastric cancer can we treat gastric cancer in time.

1. High-salt diet

In daily life, many people like to eat high-salt, smoked and pickled foods, and think that such foods are tasty. Little do they know that if such foods are eaten for a long time, they are prone to cause gastric cancer.

In high-salt diets, especially overnight meals, the nitrites in them are easy to react to form nitrosamines. Ammonium nitrite is a highly carcinogenic substance that greatly promotes the occurrence and development of gastric cancer.

2. Bad eating habits

Due to busy work in daily life, many people now develop unhealthy eating habits, such as eating too fast, eating too hot food, and eating irregularly for three meals a day. Such habits are very likely to cause gastric cancer.

3. People with gastric diseases

People with atrophic gastritis, gastric polyps, intestinal metaplasia, and those who have undergone a partial gastrectomy are at risk of cancer.

4. Genetics

People with a family history of gastric cancer are also at risk of gastric cancer.

5. Others

People aged 40 or above who have long-term stomach problems. People with blood type A who also have the above factors are more likely to develop stomach cancer.

Is gastric cancer hereditary? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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