what are the common symptoms of liver cancer

Symptoms of liver cancer

Liver cancer is a very serious disease that seriously endangers the health of patients. If you don’t know the symptoms of liver cancer, you can’t detect it in time when the symptoms of liver cancer appear. So we need to know the common symptoms of liver cancer. Let’s take a look at the common symptoms of liver cancer.

Digestive tract symptoms

Digestive tract symptoms, often manifested as upper abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea after meals. Digestive tract symptoms are often caused by pathological changes in the liver, resulting in digestive tract dysfunction. And the enlarged tumors compress the stomach sometimes.


Irregular fever caused by liver cancer is generally around 37.5℃-38℃, occasionally reaching above 39℃. Sometimes remittent high fever can also be seen. Fever can be caused by tumor necrosis or its metabolites.


Liver cancer located in the upper segment of the right lobe of the liver is manifested by the upper border of the liver moving upward,  and the diaphragm is lifted, fixed, and limited in movement.

Lung cancer masses can often be touched under the right costal arch; The left lobe of the liver often manifests as liver cancer masses under the xiphoid process, and the upper abdomen will bulge. 

The enlarged liver is generally hard, and it becomes soft if necrosis liquefaction or intratumoral bleeding occurs.

Pain in the liver area

Pain in the liver area is caused by the rapid growth of cancer, which tightens the liver capsule. If the tumor invades the diaphragm, the pain may extend to the right shoulder or right back. Tumors growing to the right back can cause pain in the right waist.

Liver cancer is very harmful, so if you find the symptoms of liver cancer, you should get timely treatment.

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