What are the early symptoms of gallbladder cancer

Gallbladder cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in clinical practice, which can cause great harm to the health of patients. Everyone should know what the early symptoms of gallbladder cancer are, so as to help people detect and treat gallbladder cancer in time.

The early symptoms of gallbladder cancer

1. Pain in the right upper abdomen

This symptom accounts for 84%. Since gallbladder cancer is often associated with gallstone inflammation, the nature of the pain is similar to that of calculous cholecystitis. 

It starts with discomfort in the right upper abdomen followed by persistent dull pain or sometimes with paroxysmal severe pain and radiates to the right shoulder.

2. Digestive tract symptoms

90% of patients experience indigestion and decreased appetite, which is due to the gallbladder’s renewal function being unable to digest fat substances.

3. Jaundice

Jaundice often occurs in the late stage of the disease, accounting for 36.5%. 

Mostly due to malignant obstruction caused by cancer tissue invading the bile duct, accompanied by weight loss and fatigue. Even skin itching that is difficult to treat may occur.

4. Fever

25.9% of patients had fever

5. Right upper abdominal mass

A relatively smooth and enlarged gallbladder can be felt in the right upper abdomen. When it is adhered to the surrounding tissues, several masses can be felt. Sometimes, enlarged liver and duodenal obstruction masses can be felt.

54.5% of patients developed masses in the right upper abdomen or upper abdomen in the late stage of the disease. The reason is that the tumor grows rapidly and blocks the bile duct, causing the gallbladder to swell. 

In addition, masses may also appear in the corresponding parts of the liver, stomach, pancreas, etc.

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