what are the early symptoms of liver cancer

Early symptoms of liver cancer

Liver cancer is a common malignant tumor disease that threatens the lives of many patients. Only if we understand its early manifestations can we detect the disease earlier and it will be helpful for treatment. Let us learn about the early symptoms of liver cancer now !!

Hard masses found in abdomen

Hard masses with uneven surface found in the upper abdomen and you can feel obvious enlargement, but have no obvious discomfort.

Patients with a history of hepatitis and cirrhosis

Patients with a history of hepatitis and cirrhosis, whose condition has been stable and without chills and fever for many years. But he or she have recently experienced severe pain in the liver and gallbladder areas.

Some syspotoms occur

Patients with dry mouth, irritability, insomnia, bleeding from gums and nasal cavity, accompanied by distension in the upper abdomen and discomfort in the liver area. This is one of the early symptoms of liver cancer.

Joint pains

Patients with sore joints all over the body, especially in the waist and back, accompanied by anorexia, irritability, discomfort in the liver area, and poor results with anti-rheumatic treatment.

Recurrent diarrhea

Patients with repeated diarrhea accompanied by indigestion and abdominal distension, with no obvious effect of treatment for gastroenteritis, liver pain and gradual weight loss.

Through the above introduction to the early symptoms of liver cancer, do you have some understanding of the early symptoms of liver cancer? I hope that patients can discover their condition and receive treatment as soon as possible. They should have confidence in themselves and believe that their condition will improve.

How to prevent liver cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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