What are the nursing measures for lung cancer?

Lung cancer nursing

For the treatment of lung cancer, good care is more helpful to the treatment of the disease, so this requires the patient’s family to have a certain understanding of lung cancer care.

Lung cancer diet

Patients should not go to public places, and their homes should be kept ventilated to avoid upper respiratory tract infections. Patients with severe conditions should lie in bed to rest.

Give them a high-calorie, high-protein, high-vitamin and easily digestible diet, avoid drinking and smoking, and encourage them to eat more and avoid eating less.

Take medicine on time as instructed by the doctor. If you have any questions, you can consult the hospital you are visiting.

Some sympotoms occur

If the patient has difficulty breathing, he should be given oxygen in time. If the patient is in unbearable pain, pain relief measures should be taken in time.

Those who cough and sputum should observe the amount and color of sputum. If the amount of sputum increases or the color changes from clear and thin white to yellow purulent, sputum should be sent for microbiological examination, which are all necessary for lung cancer care.

Always observe whether the patient has symptoms such as coughing, blood in sputum, chest pain, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.

In addition, pay special attention to whether there is difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, edema of the head, neck and upper limbs, or drooping upper eyelids.

If the above symptoms occur, you should contact a doctor in time, otherwise the patient’s life will be threatened.

Now everyone has a certain understanding of how to better care for lung cancer. This requires the patient’s family to understand and master more knowledge in these areas, so as to better care for lung cancer and minimize the harm of lung cancer.

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