what are the symptoms of advanced liver cancer

Symptoms of advanced liver cancer

Liver cancer is a very serious disease that seriously endangers the health of patients. If patients have symptoms of liver cancer, timely treatment is very helpful for patients.

However, many people do not know what early symptoms of liver cancer are. And they are already in the late stage of liver cancer when they detected it.


Bleeding in liver cancer patients is caused by the suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis, thrombocytopenia, or direct damage of blood vessels by cancer cells. Large amounts of blood loss can cause death.

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite, upper abdominal fullness after meals, belching, indigestion, nausea, etc. are also common pre-death symptoms of advanced liver cancer, among which loss of appetite and abdominal distension are the most common.

Many patients will have symptoms such as sweating and fever, which is caused by the release of heat sources into the human blood circulation after tumor tissue necrosis.


Dyspnea is a symptom that is difficult to deal with in the late stage of cancer. Severe dyspnea can easily cause fear, and fear itself aggravates dyspnea. If it is not handled in time, it can easily cause shock and death.

Combined infection

Low immunity is prone to infectious complications. The bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. that originally existed in the body and were not pathogenic will also take advantage of the situation and aggravate the condition. This infection is often difficult to control, causing high fever, coma, and other deaths.

Nutritional depletion

Cancer cells grow rapidly and consume a large amount of nutrients from the human body; patients are seriously ill and reduce their nutrient intake. Over time, anemia, edema, fatigue, and even extreme hunger malnutrition, which is the “cachexia” state, will occur, and eventually die from systemic failure.

I hope this can help you. Finally, I would like to remind everyone to discover the condition of their disease in time and treat it early. 

How to prevent from liver cancer, click here if you want to know more about.

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