what are the symptoms of female liver cancer patients

Digestive tract symptoms

Female liver cancer patients also experience digestive tract symptoms, such as discomfort in the right upper abdomen, obvious indigestion, abdominal distension, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Once abdominal discomfort occurs, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

Liver area symptoms

The early symptoms of female liver cancer are generally manifested as enlarged liver and spleen, with obvious uneven masses. At the same time, there will be slight pain in the liver area, which slowly develops into severe pain.

Hepatic ascites and jaundice

Common symptoms of female liver cancer patients include weight loss and enlarged lymph nodes in the left clavicle, which are mainly caused by lymph node metastasis.

Irregular vaginal bleeding

Irregular vaginal bleeding is caused by damage to the female liver, which reduces the coagulation mechanism and causes bleeding. It may also be caused by bleeding caused by liver cancer metastasis to the female reproductive system.

Symptoms of female liver cancer patients

Due to various reasons, the number of people suffering from this disease has been increasing in recent years. Therefore, women should understand some common sense about this disease, which is also a responsible performance for their own health.

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