what complications do patients with liver cancer have

Complications of liver cancer

Complications of liver cancer can be caused by liver cancer itself or coexisting cirrhosis, which is common in the late stage of liver cancer. The main complications of liver cancer are as follows.

Hepatic coma

It is common in the terminal stage of liver cancer, manifested by abnormal behavior, such as sleep inversion, random urination, etc., and further development may cause irritability and finally coma. The cause of hepatic coma is upper gastrointestinal bleeding or eating a lot of high-protein food.

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

It is often caused by rupture and bleeding of esophageal gastric veins caused by portal hypertension, or bleeding from upper gastrointestinal ulcers. It manifests as black stool and vomiting of blood. Because of the large amount of bleeding, shock will occur, and the mortality rate is relatively high.

Hemorrhage caused by liver cancer rupture

It can be manifested as sudden pain in the liver area and abdomen. If the liver capsule is not ruptured, bleeding can accumulate under the liver capsule to form a large amount of bloody ascites. The patient may show symptoms of shock such as panic, cold sweat, black eyes, and decreased blood pressure.

Hepatorenal syndrome

This is a complication of advanced gastric cancer, characterized by oliguria, large amounts of ascites, and edema. This complication is secondary renal dysfunction after liver failure.

Liver cancer infection

Because liver cancer patients have low immune function and insufficiency of liver function, they are prone to infection. The most common infection is spontaneous peritonitis, which can cause fever, abdominal pain, and increased ascites.

How should patients with lung cancer supplement their nutrition? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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