What do the people get melanoma

Melanoma is not very common in our lives, but the number of patients suffering from melanoma has gradually increased in recent years. Therefore, the cause of melanoma has become a concern for many of our melanoma patients.

What are the causes of melanoma?

1. Abuse of estrogen drugs

Studies have found that there are estrogen receptors in the cells of malignant melanoma. Therefore, experts suspect that excessive estrogen will stimulate the occurrence of melanoma. This is the main cause of melanoma.

2. Immunodeficiency

Compared with the last century, human life expectancy has been significantly extended. With the increase of age, the body’s immune function gradually declines.

Studies have found that low immune function is one of the causes of melanoma, so the incidence of melanoma in the elderly is very high clinically.

3. Air pollution

The large-scale emission of harmful substances such as Freon destroys the ozone layer, resulting in insufficient ultraviolet filtration. Harmful ultraviolet rays and harmful substances in the air work together on human skin, causing abnormal expression of melanocytes and causing melanoma.

How long can you live with melanoma? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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