what foods are good for lung cancer patients to eat

Lung cancer patients with cough and phlegm

It is advisable to eat ginkgo, radish, mustard greens, almonds, orange peel, loquat, olives, orange cakes, jellyfish, water chestnuts, kelp, seaweed, winter melon, loofah, sesame, figs, pine nuts, walnuts, mussels, monk fruit, peach, orange, grapefruit, etc.

Lung cancer patients with fever

It is advisable to eat cucumber, winter melon, bitter melon, lettuce, eggplant, hair vegetable, lily, amaranth, shepherd’s purse, water spinach, agar, purslane, plum, watermelon, pineapple, pear, persimmon, orange, lemon, olive, mulberry, water chestnut, duck, and herring.

Lung cancer patients' Immunity Improvement

It is advisable to eat more foods that can enhance the body’s immunity and resist lung cancer, such as coix seed, sweet almond, water chestnut, oyster, jellyfish, yellow croaker, sea turtle, crab, horseshoe crab, clam, sea cucumber, Poria cocos, yam, jujube, black snake, green beans, mushrooms, walnuts, and turtle.

Lung cancer patients with blood coughing

It is advisable to eat green plum, lotus root, sugar cane, pear, cotton, jellyfish, sea cucumber, lotus seed, water chestnut, kelp, mustard, black bean, tofu, shepherd’s purse, eggplant, milk, crucian carp, turtle, grass carp, squid, yellow croaker, turtle, oyster, mussel.

Foods that can reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Mushrooms, shark, longan, eel, walnut, soft-shelled turtle, turtle, kiwi, water shield, day lily, jujube, sunflower seeds, apple, carp, mung bean, soybean, red bean, shrimp, crab, silver bean, loach, catfish, grass carp, salmon, green tea, snail.

Foods good for lung cancer patients

Eat fruits, vegetables, and grains every day.

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