What fruits should leukemia patients eat more

Leukemia is a common blood system disease. Diet is an important aspect after the disease. Fruit is an important aspect of our diet.

What kind of fruit is good for leukemia patients?

Apples, pears, bananas, tangerines, oranges, strawberries, watermelons, melons, pomegranates, soft persimmons, longans, raisins, walnut kernels, and boiled peanuts are all fruits suitable for leukemia patients.

1. Jujubes have a good effect on the recovery of leukemia patients

Eating jujubes regularly has a good effect on the recovery of leukemia patients. Jujubes have the effects of invigorating qi and nourishing blood. For patients with anemia, they have a good blood-tonifying effect.

2. Apricots are suitable for patients with various cancers

Apricots are the richest fruit in vitamin B17, and vitamin B17 is an extremely effective anti-cancer substance that has a killing effect on cancer cells.

It is reported that in the United States, vitamin B17 is used to treat cancer. Generally, 248 out of 250 patients treated have been saved. So far, vitamin B17 has been used to save the lives of tens of thousands of patients with advanced cancer.

3. Grapes is a natural anti-cancer fruit

Grapes, especially grape skins, contain anthocyanins and resveratrol, which are natural antioxidants and also have anti-cancer effects. They can inhibit the malignant transformation of cancer cells and destroy the replication ability of leukemia cells.

4. Strawberry is the first choice fruit for anti-cancer

Among anti-cancer fruits, strawberries rank first. Fresh strawberries contain a wonderful tannic acid substance that can produce anti-toxic effects in the body and prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition, strawberries also contain an amine substance that can also play a good role in preventing blood diseases such as leukemia and aplastic anemia.

Peanuts are also a good food. It has a high nutritional value and is also a good medicine. It can well reduce the pressure on the patient’s internal organs.

How do leukemia patients prevent from infection? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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