What harm does gout bring to us?

Gout is a disorder in the metabolism of purine substances in the human body, which increases the synthesis or decreases the excretion of uric acid, thus causing hyperuricemia.

When the blood uric acid concentration is too high, uric acid is deposited in the joints, cartilage and kidneys in the form of sodium salt. It will cause inflammatory reactions of tissue foreign bodies.

So what harm will gout bring to us

1. Renal dysfunction

If gout is not treated properly, long-term hyperuricemia will cause excessive urate crystals to precipitate in the kidneys. This will cause gouty nephropathy or renal dysfunction.

2. Ischemic heart disease

Ischemic heart disease refers to the hardening or blockage of the coronary arteries that transport oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle, so that the blood circulation is hindered, causing chest pain and myocardial necrosis.

At present, the American Heart Association lists gout as a risk factor for ischemic heart disease and a promoter of arteriosclerosis.

If gout is not properly treated, persistent hyperuricemia will cause excessive urate crystals to precipitate in the coronary arteries, and the hyperaggregation of platelets will accelerate the progression of arteriosclerosis.

3. Kidney stones

According to statistics, the probability of gout patients developing kidney stones is about a thousand times that of normal people. The more uric acid in the urine and the more acidic the pH, the more likely it is to form stones. 

Therefore, you must drink more boiled water and take baking soda to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones.

4. Obesity

Obesity not only causes hyperuricemia and hyperuricemia in uric acid synthesis, but also hinders the excretion of uric acid, which can easily cause gout, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc. 

The main reason is frequent overeating, so obese people should lose weight.

If you want to know more about whether gout is hereditary or not, click here !

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