What is the best diet for lymphoma patients

The origins and symptoms of lymphoma

Lymphoma is a group of malignant tumors originating from lymph nodes or other lymphoid tissues. It can be divided into two categories: Hodgkin’s disease (abbreviated as HD) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (abbreviated as NHL). 

The most typical clinical manifestation is painless lymphadenopathy, and the liver and spleen are often enlarged. Cachexia, fever and anemia occur in the late stage.

Characteristics of lymphoma lesions

The cell morphology of lymphoma is extremely complex, with 80 subtypes. Due to the different locations and ranges of lesions, the clinical manifestations are very inconsistent.

The primary site can be in the lymph nodes or in extranodal lymphoid tissues, such as tonsils, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, bones or skin. Primary sites of nodal lymphoid tissue are more common in NHL.

Diet for patients with lymphoma

1. Patients with lymphoma and fever

It is advisable to eat cucumber, wax gourd, bitter gourd, lettuce, eggplant, hair algae, lily, amaranth, shepherd’s purse, water spinach, agar, purslane, plum, watermelon, pineapple, pear, persimmon, orange, lemon, olive, mulberry, water chestnut, duck, and black carp.

2. Patients with lymphoma cough and phlegm

It is advisable to eat ginkgo, radishes, mustard greens, almonds, orange peels, loquats, olives, tangerine cakes, jellyfish, water chestnuts, kelp, seaweed, winter melon, loofah, sesame, figs, pine nuts, walnuts, mussels, monk fruit, peaches, oranges, grapefruits, etc.

3. Foods that enhance the body's immunity and prevent cancer

Such as coix seed, sweet almond, water chestnut, oyster, jellyfish, yellow croaker, sea turtle, crab, horseshoe crab, cockle, sea cucumber, Poria, yam, jujube, black snake, green beans, mushrooms, walnuts, and turtle.

4. Foods that can reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Goose blood, mushrooms, sharks, longans, eels, walnuts, soft-shelled turtles, turtles, kiwis, water shield, day lilies, jujubes, sunflower seeds, apples, carp, mung beans, soybeans, red beans, shrimps, crabs, silver beans, loaches, catfish, grass carp, salmon, green tea, and snails.

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