what to eat for kidney cancer patients

1. Adjust the food intake according to the pH of urine

If the kidney function is good, you can take in an appropriate amount of high-quality protein. If the kidney function is poor, you should follow the doctor’s advice to limit the amount of protein and minerals, and adjust the intake of acidic and alkaline foods according to the pH of urine.

The acidity and alkalinity of common foods are as follows

Strong acidity: such as eggs, cheese, desserts made with white sugar, persimmons, mullet roe, bonito, etc.

Medium acidity: such as ham, chicken, pork, beef, bread, wheat flour, cream, eel, etc.

Weak acidity: such as rice, peanuts, seaweed, etc.

Strong alkalinity: such as grapes, kelp, tea, etc.

Medium alkalinity: such as soybeans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, strawberries, spinach, lemons, egg whites, etc.

Weak alkalinity: such as red beans, radishes, apples, tofu, onions, cabbage, etc.

2. Adjust water intake

Adjust the water intake according to the kidney function and whether the body has edema.

If the kidney function is good and there is no edema in the body, you should drink more water and increase the water content in the three meals, such as eating more porridge and soup.

If the kidney function is poor or the body has edema, you should follow the doctor’s advice to limit the intake of water. At the same time, the three meals should reduce the porridge, broth and melons with high water content, such as watermelon and cucumber.

3. Rich nutrition is important for the body

Provide the body with rich nutrition and eat five or more fresh vegetables and fruits every day. Eat more starchy foods, including sufficient calories, sufficient amount of high-quality protein and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, etc.

Eat foods that have the effect of decomposing carcinogens-nitrosamines, such as carrots and peas. And foods that enhance the body’s anti-cancer effect, such as mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. Drinking green tea regularly has a good anti-cancer effect.

4. Low salt diet

Pay attention to a low-salt diet and eat low-salt and easily digestible foods. People with severe edema and high blood pressure should avoid salt, limit the intake of protein foods, and drink less water.

Patients without edema are not restricted in salt intake. Patients with microscopic hematuria should drink more water and eat more apples, sugar, sesame and other foods.

5. Prohibited foods and hobbies

Avoid moldy, spicy and fried foods. And do not drink alcohol or smoke excessively, and develop good living habits.

Eating too much bread can cause kidney cancer. Click here if you want to know more about it.



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