you should know more about kidney cancer

Consuming more dairy products, animal protein, and fat, eating less fruits and vegetables, smoking, drinking coffee frequently, and taking diuretics and antipyretics can all increase the risk of kidney cancer.

What is kidney cancer

Renal cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, originates from renal tubular epithelial cells and can occur in any part of the renal parenchyma, but it is more common in the upper and lower levels, and a few invade the entire kidney. The left and right kidneys have equal chances of developing the disease, and bilateral lesions account for 1% to 2%.

The appearance of the tumor is an irregular round or oval mass with a layer of fiber wrapping; it has rich blood supply, vascular engorgement, congestion and bleeding areas. The color of the tumor is related to the number of blood vessels, the lipid content in cancer cells, and factors such as bleeding and necrosis.

Causes of kidney cancer

There are many causes of renal cancer, such as frequent exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, aflatoxin, hormones, radiation and viruses. Certain hereditary diseases such as tuberous sclerosis and multiple neurofibromas can be combined with renal cell carcinoma.

In addition, people who have been engaged in petrochemical, leather, asbestos, and radiation industries for a long time, those who have been taking phenacetin antipyretic and analgesic drugs for a long time, those who have been exposed to lead-containing substances for a long time, and those who suffer from diabetes and certain chronic kidney diseases can increase the risk of renal cancer.

Kidney cancer sympotoms

When the three typical symptoms of renal cancer, hematuria, pain, and lumps, appear, it is usually in the late stage. In the early stage, there are often no symptoms or symptoms other than the urinary system, such as hypertension.

If these non-specific symptoms appear in high-risk groups such as smokers and obese people, they should be highly vigilant and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

How to prevent from kidney cancer

Fresh vegetables and fruits have a good auxiliary effect on the patient’s recovery. These natural foods are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, anthocyanins, biopolyphenols, flavonoids and other elements that are beneficial to the human body. Therefore, cancer patients must supplement these nutritious foods, which have a good effect on early recovery.

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